Fat Gripz Quick Start Arm Size Training Guide

How To Start Using Fat Gripz The Day You Receive Them

"Here at Fat Gripz we've all spent many years figuring out how to be successful at building muscle and strength (especially big arms) and helping others do the same"

It’s important to us that everyone who buys Fat Gripz loves using them and gets great results so if you have any questions or concerns, we are here if you need anything.

Here is a Quick Start Guide on what to expect from your Fat Gripz and how to use them in your next workout:

The first time you use Fat Gripz the weights are going to feel heavier. Don't worry! This is normal and just means that you’ve identified the untapped muscles holding you back… and in the next few weeks, as you awaken those muscles with Fat Gripz, you’re going to notice a big difference in your arms!

Tip 1:

If you are relatively new to training I would suggest using your Fat Gripz as follows:

Standing dumbbell curls with Fat Gripz:

Grab the Fat Gripz with the slit towards your hands and your palms facing forward, curling both arms up at the same time.

1st set: 10 – 20 lbs (5 - 10 kg) x 20 reps
Rest 45 seconds

2nd set: 15 - 25lbs (7.5 - 12.5 kg) x 15 reps
Rest 45 seconds

3rd set: 20 – 30 lbs (10 - 15 kg) x 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds

Then, standing dumbbell hammer curls with Fat Gripz:

Grab the Fat Gripz with the slit towards your hands and your palms facing your thighs, curling both arms at the same time.

1st set: 10 – 20 lbs (5 - 10 kg) x 20 reps
Rest 45 seconds

2nd set: 15 – 25 lbs (7.5 - 12.5 kg) x 15 reps
Rest 45 seconds

3rd set: 20 – 30 lbs (10 - 15 kg) x 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds

Do these two exercises twice a week and try to add a little weight and/or an extra rep where you can. If you have a current training program, do these exercises at the start of your regular workout.

(Don’t worry if you need to use more or less weight than I have written here – these are just examples – although I always suggest people start lighter and more gently and increase the weight and intensity over a period of weeks because it seems to work much better.)

Tip 2:

If you are intermediate or advanced - training consistently for more than 6 months to 2 years - try this:

Whilst your hands and forearms are still getting used to them, try using Fat Gripz on every set except the first “work set”. That way you will still be able to use your max weights until your hands and arms catch up.

For example, let’s say you plan to do dumbbell curls with the 30lbs (15kg) dumbbells today. For the first few weeks using Fat Gripz I would suggest doing sets like this:


Warm-up sets:

  • 15 lb (7.5kg) dumbbells for 15 reps (warm-up set)
    (with Fat Gripz)
  • 25 lb (12.5kg) dumbbells for 10 reps warm-up set)
    (with Fat Gripz)

“Work” sets:

  • 30 lb (15kg) dumbbells for as many reps as you can with good form stopping 1 rep short of failure
    (without Fat Gripz)
  • 30 lb (15kg) dumbbells for as many reps as you can with good form stopping 1 rep short of failure
    (with Fat Gripz)
  • 20 lb (10kg) dumbbells for as many reps as you can with good form stopping 1 rep short of failure
    (with Fat Gripz)

This is just an example but do you see how it works?

You take the Fat Gripz off for the first heavy set with the 30lbs (15kg) dumbbells.

The idea here is making sure you don’t have to reduce your weights when you first start using Fat Gripz but you are still getting lots of sets and volume with Fat Gripz so that you create massive strength gains in the hands, wrists and arms meaning you will soon be able to handle a lot more weight (and build a ton a muscle!) and use your Fat Gripz on all sets.

Of course, 30 lbs (15kgs) might be too heavy or too light for you and that’s fine. My advice is always to start lighter and increase slowly on any exercise. This usually means much better long term muscle and strength building results.

Also, when you buy Fat Gripz you will be given a link to a private members page for Fat Gripz users. On it you will find lots of training suggestions and videos where you will learn how to get the most from your Fat Gripz no matter what your level or your goals.

Of course, you should consult a licensed physician before starting any exercise program and make sure you have read the Instructions For Fat Gripz Users HERE before starting to use your Fat Gripz.



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