Fat Gripz Wholesale
Apply to become an authorized Fat Gripz reseller, by contacting us at: info@fatgripz.com
We are the only legitimate source of Fat Gripz.
We do not allow anyone else to manufacture our product. Apply to become an authorized Fat Gripz reseller, by contacting us at info@fatgripz.com.
We highly value and protect our legitimate customers and re-sellers by using proprietary technology to detect anyone selling fake/counterfeit Fat Gripz and taking legal action (including police action) against them. WE HAVE RECENTLY TAKEN SUCCESSFUL LEGAL ACTION AGAINST SEVERAL THIRD PARTIES IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ATTEMPTED TO DO THIS and won't hesitate to do the same again with anyone else who attempts this. If you become aware of anyone selling suspected fake/counterfeit product (usually at a much lower price owing to low quality) please inform us immediately and we offer large discounts to legitimate customers and re-sellers for helping us combat this issue.
Fat Gripz is a trade mark and/or registered trade mark in many countries including the United States (International Registration 1 013746), all countries of the European Community including the United Kingdom (Registration 8378598), Canada (Registration TMA823,154), Australia (International Registration 1 013746), Japan (International Registration 1 013746), Russia (International Registration 1 013746), S. Korea (International Registration 1 013746) and Brazil (Registration 906142130) as well as other rights in other countries.
The design of the Fat Gripz product is the subject of legal protections in many countries including the United States (Design Patent D616,950 S), all counties of the European Community including the United Kingdom (Registered Design 1584772-0001), Canada (Industrial Design 133933) as well as other rights in other countries.